08/07/2020 - UPDATES

by on Aug 8, 2020 (1174 Views)

UPDATE - 08/07/2020: 

First and foremost, we hope that everyone is staying safe and riding out the pandemic. 

To say that Covid19 has made our lives difficult would be an understatement, especially here in South Florida as I'm sure most of you have seen on the news. It's also effected our supply lines making restocking of products much more difficult, as some manufacturers are running with skeleton crews, as are their suppliers. Resin and plastic bottles for our paints have been a particular pain in the ass. 

Thankfully it seems that we're starting to come out the other side. 

Without further ado, lets get to the updates!


Happy to report that the molding on the latest Halloween Nightmares piece (The Vampire) is finished, and casting has started. After all was said and done, this piece kit comes in at a WHOPPING 32 PARTS. 

We're currently casting the first batch of 30 kits, as we'd like to get a head start, because based on the reaction we don't expect this kit to stay on the shelves very long. 

Price on this kit is still to be determined, but we're hoping to keep it in the $195.00 to $225.00 range. This kit is much larger and more complex than the others in the series, so expect it to be on the higher end of the price point scale. 

The next kit in the series will be an homage to the cult classic movie "Invasion of the Saucer-Men" ... it will be a much more simpler kit with a lower price point. 


The Spider-Bot has been sent up to our caster and is in the process of being molded and cast. We're HOPING to have it available around October/November, so it will be in time for Christmas. Maybe sooner if the stars align properly. 


Wizard is at the molders, we're HOPING for a Christmas release. 


We're also working getting some of our other out of stock kits back in, with special focus on Hariqa and the Scarecrow. The problem has been the heat wave we've been having here in Florida, which causes the resin to cure next to instantly upon mixing, and the humidity which causes clear resin to take a full day to cure properly before it can be demolded. 


Of the kits we have in stock, we have a pretty ample supply of most, but lots of them them leave the moment that we can restock them. I'm guessing that a lot of builders are still in quarantine, and taking advantage of the situation to build some of their collective stashes. 

The Halloween Nightmares are starting their annual pre-Halloween run, from here to October they're going to be in HIGH demand, so if there's one you've been wanting, I suggest getting them while and when we have them. Several of the molds are at the end of their lives, and once they're shot, it might be a while before we can remold them.


Up to now, we've managed to keep pretty might all our paints in stock, but we are running low again on some of our most popular colors. We currently have 2 large orders with our manufacturer, one for the popular colors, and one for stock. Their working on the first now. 


Election season is coming up ... REGISTER TO VOTE and then VOTE. Who and what you vote for is your business, but this is our duty as American citizens to voice your choices. 

#halloweennightmares #vampire #dracula #halloweendecoration#monsterkit #vampirekit #vampiremodel #denizensofzo #Hariqa#spiderbot #scarecrow #garagekit #garagekitsus #garagekitsuscolors#modelkit #airbrushpaints #modelhobby #garagekithobby#buildityourself #paintityourself #acylicpaint #acrylicairbrushpaint #vote#registertovote